Contemporary tactile zine to educate on proper skincare and beauty practices and aid the development of a regime.
Diving into the world of skincare is a difficult leap to make when you're bombarded with advice from every influencer, blogger, website, and friend. This zine boils that advice down to just the basics for even the most novice skincare newbie.
The baby touch & feel series use tactile elements to engage and educate their user. Peel uses both of these tactics as part of its visual language and moments of visualizing certain elements. The zine captivates audiences with its handmade take on graphic design and underground themes. It’s this experimental mindset and aesthetic that is reflected in this zine.
The visual approach was to appear friendly to welcome in even the most apprehensive viewer This is reflected in the funky handwritten headers and round, friendly serif typeface. The texture element gives further understanding of the information in a visual and tactile way.